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You are a winning poker player. You've got made a great amount for a time frame and also you look-at the experts who live the dream lifestyle and ask yourself why you still go to your 9 till 5 job when you earn more income from playing poker. Your boss is on your back and you want the easy life. In the end, you are making enough money so it's a no brainer! Or is it? It really is certainly a compelling argument and I would hazard a guess that there is not a poker player in the world that has not dreamed of doing nothing but play poker as opposed to working. Allow us to discuss the positives and negatives of living life as a professional poker player. This might be the most critical article you ever read.

You get your freedom and definitely do not underestimate this. In the event that you are a young player and also are coming straight out of education and have discovered a knack of winning cards then I would advise every player to take a job for one year and after that you will fully be able to appreciate what you have. You may get up when you want, play whenever you want and don't response to anyone but yourself. This could be some of the worst things about being independently employed although. If you have the discipline, financial money management, and of course the poker skills this could possibly be a viable option for you to bring in your money from exclusively playing poker. Receiving a few solid years of cash game profits behind you might buy you a property outright you may not have dreamed of during normal employment. Even if you eventually move back into work, playing online gambling agency poker may give you opportunities you otherwise might not have had access to.

During periods of good profits life will feel great. You are certain to get to play the game you love, and you are winning and also have money to play with. Can life improve?

Every player hits a downswing after a period of playing where every card is the one you hope not to determine and you are outdrawn by the poker sites so much you are tempted to enter the "it's all rigged" discussions on the poker web sites. As fun as it is to have your freedom, you will have to put in the long hours to grind out your profit. Additionally you need to win! If you lose this may feel like a dagger to the heart while you have no other money coming in. Losing will hurt a great deal more when this is your actual wealth you are hurting. Poker should always remain other than your feelings towards life which will be extremely challenging to maintain a healthy attitude when winning and losing affects your life so acutely. It is super easy to lose perspective.

Any holiday you take will be unpaid, and you will not get the advantage of a pension, sick pay or any other perk that comes with most reasonably paid employments. There is also the satisfaction component of poker. Whenever you win, you are actually beating other players out of cash and not contributing anything to society. This may not bother some people; however others may feel a sense of void not being associated with a business or positively adding to the world. Poker is all about you, also it can get lonely. If you think being stuck on your screen all day could be an issue for you, imagine how this tends to feel after 6 months of doing it? Every poker player I know who plays online for a living says it's completely unglamorous and boring. You might be able to dress it up by travelling to tournaments, but ultimately you are playing a risky game with many good players. Because of the net, credit crunch and training sites there have never been more good players than presently, so the risk of playing for a living has never been greater.

It really is totally your decision whether or not to use poker as your sole source of income. If you do elect to take a shot, make certain you save hard and look after your winnings. If you lose then ensure you start searching for alternative ways to make money prior to deciding to go completely broke. Aim to build some security in what is a really insecure profession. You will have to arrange the relevant accounting if your winnings are taxable determined by your country of residence. I highly recommend carrying on with some sort of course or education to give yourself options should you then become bored with the grind of playing poker for a living. As the poker pros say, leave yourself outs. For those to whom playing poker for a living works out great, experience the very real advantages of it, but always be careful as complacency is punished hard in relation to gambling. Never stop being a winning poker player in every sense of the phrase.