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My first recollection of playing against Ted Dexter in a Championship match is at Hove in 1966.

Brian Statham was steaming down the hill for Lancashire, and Dexter got on the back foot and hit him back over his head towards the deckchairs.

He didn't get many runs in that game, but it was an extraordinary shot — and typical of the man. He had this presence: tall, elegant and a definite swagge

/>But he wasn't arrogant and he was unbelievably popular on the circuit. He was a true gent.

It always amused me to watch Ted in the field. He'd be standing there, tinkering with an imaginary golf club, then taking an imaginary swing — and probably landing it close to an imaginary pin. 

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Ted Dexter (left, pictured with Bob Willis) was a real adventurer and lived life in the fast lane
