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Checkup Medical Column For June 1

BonnieRittenhouse22 2022.01.20 03:07 조회 수 : 2

A weekly round-up of news affecting your health


Australians have been reminded antibiotics are not always needed for most common eye infections.

The majority of eye infections in adults are viral conjunctivitis, which can be treated with cold compresses, artificial tears and a topical antihistamine.

Professor Stephanie Watson, Maria Cabrera-Aguas and Pauline Khoo from Save Sight Institute recommend an antiviral ointment to be prescribed if there is evidence of herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis.

"However, antibiotics are not needed, are costly and may increase antibiotic resistance," they warn.

"Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist for microbiological samples and treatment is needed for infectious keratitis and endophthalmitis," they added.


Vitamin D can help babies grow when given to pregnant women, but not when given to infants, a study has found.

The vitamin is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones and research suggests it may have other potential health benefits.

A randomised clinical trial of 975 healthy infants in Finland, published in journal JAMA Pediatrics, reported no difference in bone strength or incidence of infections at age 24 months when infants were given three-times the regular daily dose of supplemental vitamin D compared to those given a standard dose of the vitamin.


Epileptic seizures strike with little warning and nearly one third of people living with epilepsy are resistant to treatment that controls these attacks.

Researchers at the University of Sydney have developed a non-surgical, wearable device using advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to predict when a seizure may strike.

A study published this week showed the small electronic chip alerted epilepsy sufferers within 30 minutes of the likelihood of a seizure.

Using three data sets from Europe and the United States, the device uses a predictive algorithm to inform the alert system.

"We are on track to develop an affordable, portable and non-surgical device that will give reliable prediction of seizures for people living with treatment-resistant epilepsy," said Dr Omid Kavehei from the Faculty of Engineering and IT and the University of Sydney Nano Institute.

"Just four years ago, you couldn't process sophisticated AI through small electronic chips. Now it is completely accessible. In five years, the possibilities will be enormous," said Dr Kavehei.

While a lot more testing is required, it's development has been welcomed by Epilepsy Action Australia.

"Living with constant uncertainty significantly contributes to increased anxiety in people with epilepsy and their families, never knowing when the next seizure may occur," said chief executive Carol Ireland.

"Any progress toward reliable seizure prediction will significantly impact the quality of life and freedom of choice for people living with epilepsy."


People living with chronic pain have been asked to participate in a new University of Queensland study to gain a better understanding of the psychology of pain.

It's hoped the new insight will improve pain management treatments.

"Living with chronic pain can be very challenging, and people often have different views on their pain experience," said Clinical Psychologist and Research Fellow Dr Rachel Elphinston at UoQ.

"Some people think negative emotions such as stress can make pain worse, while others believe the only treatments that work are medication and surgery," she explained.

Common chronic pain conditions include arthritis, back or neck pain, pain resulting from injury, post-surgical pain or nerve-related pain.

The researchers are looking for adults with chronic pain to complete a short online questionnaire.

"Engaging individuals with chronic pain and understanding their beliefs and attitudes will help us not only develop ways to improve pain treatments but also improve access to the right treatment at the right time," said Dr Elphinston.
