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5 months agofor this project any category four yarn
will work but I used two and a half

skeins of red heart Super Saver in pale
plum as for tools a two and a half four

and five millimeter hook scissors stitch
markers and a tape measure there's a

written pattern down below used offer code TCDDIY for a discount watch the end

of the video to learn how to enter this
week's giveaway using three stitches for

this project and they will be as follows
Shane slip stitch single crochet and

double crochet this tutorials for a size
small but you can adjust it for your

size and we explain how to in the video
so let's get started getting this

cardigan started we are first gonna grab
our category for yarn make a slipknot

then grab our two and a half millimeter
hook and start off by making a chain

that reaches around the base of our neck
so I'm going to go ahead and make a

chain of nineteen and a half inches or
50 centimetres and that comes out to 110

chains now that we have our chain what
we're gonna do from here is going with a

row of double crochets with some
increases so we're gonna block off that

last chain do a chain up of three that
counts as a double crochet we're going

to prepare for a double crochet and then
we're gonna bring it on down to that

fourth loop where the look that we
blocked off with our thumb with a double

crochet I'm gonna go in just like that
and then from here we're just going to

go in with a total of four double
crochet and they're gonna increase into

the fifth and that is going to be the
pattern for the rest of this chain so

I'm gonna go in with my four double
crochet once we have our four double

crochet what we're gonna do from here
into the fifth is just go in with two

double crochet into there so there is
one and we have to put one more into

that same loop and that makes our
increase into the fifth oh it's not

split they are now guys

and that is the pattern for the rest of
our chains so just as a reminder for a

double crochet increase into the fifth
for a double crochet increase of two

into the fifth go ahead and keep doing
that all the way around and then I'll

meet you guys back now that we've just
gone in with our first row of double

crochets where we did an increase of two
into every fifth now we're going to

start doing some front post and back
post double crochets but into the first

and last posts we will be doing an
increase so let's get that started once

we get here we're going to start off by
doing a chain up of three we're gonna

flip our work and then into this first
post that we have the chain above three

is on top of this other chain above
three or the last double crochet in the

last row so into this next post we're
going to be doing our increase of two

front post double crochets so we're
going to prepare for a front post double

crochet we're just going to insert our
hook behind this next post bring it on

through the other side once we have that
we're going to double crochet kind of

like normal we're gonna yarn over pull
through the only difference is that once

we get here we're going to yank our work
up just a little bit so that it's the

same level as our chain up of threes so
that it's all the same level once we get

here we're gonna yarn over pull through
two yarn over pull through two and that

is our first front post double crochet
we're gonna need to do another one into

that same post this is our increase so
we're gonna prepare for another one go

into that same post that we just went
into with another front post double

crochet yarn over pull through yank our
work up just a little bit yarn over pull

through two yarn over pull through two
and that is our two front post double

crochets into that first post that we
have that is our increase now once we

have that we're going to be doing a back
post and then front post back post front

post we're just going to alternate like
that so let's do our back post together

we're going to prepare for a at double
crochet and then we're going to take our

hook and then insert it behind our work
so this part can be a little tricky

could be a little tight so go ahead and
separate this beforehand we're going to

insert our hook behind our work and then
over this next post that we have right

here then bring it on through to the
other side this is what it should look

like on top
once we have that we're going to yarn

over pull through and then same deal
yank up just a little bit yarn over pull

through two yarn over pull through two
and that is our front post and back post

we're going to do one more set of a
front post and a back post together so

we're gonna prepare for another front
post double crochet go behind that next

available post that we have and then
bring it on through the other side once

we have that we're going to yarn over
pull through that post pull up just a

little bit yarn over pull through two
yarn over pull through two that is just

one front post double crochet once we
have that now we're going to do one back

post into the post right after that so
prepare for a double crochet insert our

hook behind our work going over this
next post that we have so over that next

post this is what it should look like on
sweater top manufacturer we're gonna yarn over pull through

yank up just a little bit yarn over pull
through two yarn over pull through two

and just as a refresh into this first
loop that we have or into this first

post my bad we have an increase of two
front post double crochets a back post

double crochet front post back post and
we're gonna keep alternating just like

that until we get all the way down to
this end and then I'll meet you guys

back so that we can do another increase
of two post double crochets into that

last stitch so we've just made our way
all the way down with our front and back

post double crochets and like I said
before we are going to need to do an

increase of whatever post we have left
into our second-to-last stitch and then

into that last one we're going to go in
with a regular double crochet so let's

get that started together the last
stitch that I did was a front post

double crochet so my next increase is
actually going to be a back post double

crochet so the opposite of what we
started with so we're going to start off

by yarning over we're going to insert
our hook behind our work we're gonna be

yarn over pull through yank up just a
little bit here and over pull through

two yarn over pull through two that's
the first one we're gonna have to do one

more this could be a little tricky so to
stick with me we're going to yarn over

insert our hook behind our work but when
it comes to this part we're act

just gonna be going over what we just
did we don't have to go in through this

way you can just work over here just
like that and then from here yarn over

this cart could be tricky to pull over
just like that

yarn over pull through - there we go
you're no over pull through two then

once we have our last increase yours
could be a front post or a back post

does not matter just as long as you guys
are into the second to last stitch y'all

are in good shape pull once when we're
here we're just going to go in with a

double crochet to make sure that this
side is nice and closed off and even so

once when we have this we're going to be
skipping this next loop that we have

because if we go into here that's going
to count as an extra increase and we

don't want that so we're just gonna go
into that last loop with a double

crochet just like that once all you got
in with our two rows this is what our

work should be looking like and now we
can actually start going in with our

front border so from where we're at
we're going to measure all the way down

to where we want the bottom of our
cardigan to be making sure that we are

leaving just a couple inches because we
are going to have a bottom border as

well I'm going to leave about two inches
at the bottom so I'm gonna start off by

making a chain that comes out to 13
inches or 33 centimeters or that's a

total of 78 chains now that we have our
front border chain what we're going to

start off now that we have our front
border chain what we're gonna start off

by doing is blocking off our last chain
and doing a chain up of three that

counts as a double crochet from here
we're gonna prepare for a double crochet

and then insert our hook into that loop
that we blocked off or the fourth loop

from our hook with a double crochet and
then from here we're just going to work

our way all the way down our chain that
we just made putting one double crochet

into every chain going all the way down
until we have just one loop left and

then we'll meet eachother back because
we're going to be doing an increase of

two double crochets into there and now
that we've made our way all the way down

to our last stitch what we're gonna do
from here is do an increase of two

double crochets so all it is is
preparing for a double crochet going

into that last stitch that we have with
one double crochet and we're going to be

putting one more into that same loop
here is our second into that same loop

once we have this we are going to I
guess flip the base so that we can slip

stitch into the base if yours is already
flipped in this direction then y'all are

doing quite alright pull once we get
here we're going to be slip stitching

into that second loop so we're going to
count up one count up two we're going to

slip stitch into that second loop that
we have to close off this first row that

we made for ourselves then once we have
that where you are going to need to work

our way up to the next row so you're
going to slip stitch up the next two

loops into the base so that we can start
up our next rule once when you have slip

stitch into those next two we are going
to be flipping our work and then now

we're going to be working with more
ribbing so more front and back post

double crochets but into this first one
we are going to be doing an increase so

this is gonna be another increase of
front post double crochets so all that

is is preparing for a front post go into
that first double crochet that we have

we're probably gonna have to pop it out
a little bit once we have that we are

going to insert our hook behind that
double crochet post yarn over pull

through yank up just a little bit yarn
over pull through two yarn over pull

through two then once we have that we're
gonna be doing one more into that same

post so prepare for a double go behind
that double crochet post yarn over pull

through yank up yarn over pull through
two yarn over pull through two once we

have that guy we're next gonna be going
into that next post that we have with a

back post double crochet so same exact
sequence that we did for the collar

we're just gonna do this next one
together we're gonna prepare for a back

post double crochet insert our hook over
that next post that we have and through

the other side once we have that we're
going to yarn over pull through yank up

just a smidge yarn over pull through two
yarn over pull through two and then from

here just alternate going all the way
down with front and back post double

crochets until we hit the very end and
then I'll meet you guys back and now

that we've made our way all the way down
to the end what we're going to do from

here is do a chain up of one and cut and
then we're just going to do the same

exact thing that we did here on the
other side of our collar and the only

tip that I have
for you guys is once when we're going in

with the other front border that we have
on the other side of our collar just

make sure that we're inserting it into
the correct spot so you're going to want

to lay it down making sure that it's
flat and going in a circle and then

you're going to insert your hook into
this bottom corner right here and start

off by making the same chain count that
you guys just made go up with double

crochet is doing an increase of two into
that last chain do a do two slip

stitches going all the way up and then
do front and back post double crochets

remembering to do an increase into that
first stitch that we have and then you

guys will go for as many rows as you
guys have you guys know that I just have

these two rows so I'm gonna stop right
after there and then I'll meet you guys

back so we have just finished up going
in with both of our front panels that we

have and right here and now we can start
going around with our body portion so

the first thing we're going to do is
flip our work upside down so that our

collar the round part is faced down
towards us and the front panels are

faced away from us and what we're going
to do is that we're going to start

working into the left side and we're
going to find this first available loop

that we have that is in this front panel
that is right next to the corner right

here where the front panel meets the
collar so we're going to insert our four

millimeter hook into that first loop in
the front panel insert our yarn onto our

hook we're going to pull through and
then we're going to go into the first

loop that we have into the collar the
first available loop with an increase of

two single crochets so this is our first
available loop so we're going to go in

here with one single crochet and we're
gonna go in with one more into that same

loop just like that and then from here
we're gonna go all the way down with

single crochets just putting one into
every loop going around the entirety of

our collar once when we hit this last
loop right here we're going to be doing

another increase of two single crochet
they're gonna slip stitch into the first

loop that we have into our front panel
so I'll meet you guys back once we reach

our way over to this corner so we're
just made our way all the way around

with a row of single crochet leaving
this last loop into this section so that

we can do our increase of two single
crochets together

and then we're going to slip stitch into
the front panel and then we're going to

start off our next where together as
well so into this lawsuit that we have

right over here we're just gonna go in
with two single crochets into that last

loop so there is one and then just one
more there is two once when we have that

we're going to take a look at this first
loop that we have into this front panel

we're going to slip stitch into that
loop this might be a little tricky

because we did go in with a two and a
half millimeter hook so it could be a

little small but just work with me just
like that once we have that we're going

to be slip stitching up the next two
loops because we're going to have to do

a row of double crochets so there's one
slip stitch and then there's two slip

stitches once when we have that we are
going to be flipping our work and now

we're going to go in with a row of
double crochet while maintaining the

increases into the loop that's right
next to the front panel on both sides so

let's just do that together as well
so we're going to prepare for a double

crochet insert our hook into that first
loop that we have with an increase of

two double crochets so there is one
double crochet and then here is another

once we have that we're going to be
putting one double crochet into every

loop going all the way around I'll meet
y'all back once we get to this last loop

so that we can do our increase of two
double crochets and then work our way up

to the next where together as well so
just made our way all the way around

with our double crochet row leaving this
last loop for us to go into because

we're going to be doing another increase
of two double crochets at the very end

so just into this last loop we're going
to be putting two double crochets so

there is one and then we're going to be
doing one more two into that same loop

once and we have that we're going to be
slip stitching into the second available

loop that we have into the side of this
front panel that we have right here so

we're going to count up one two slip
stitch into that second loop to close

off this row and to work our way back
we're just going to be going in with one

more row of single crochets so all we're
going to do is slip stitch into that

next available loop we're gonna flip our
work and we're still going to be

maintaining the increases that we have
that's right next to the front panels so

into this first loop we're going to go
in with two single crochets after that

put one single crochet into every loop
going all the way around once we hit

this last one do another increase of two
single crochets and then we'll slip

stitch into the next available loop that
we have into the front panel and then

I'll meet you guys back so we have just
made our way across with our row of

single crochet where we did increases
into the first and the last stitch that

we have in the row and then now we are
going to start with our Alpine sections

so I've already slip stitched into the
next available that we had into this

front border that we have and now our
Alpine's is going to have to start with

a double crochet so we're going to be
slip stitching up the next to available

loops to start off our Alpine row so
we're going to slip stitch up one and

then slip stitch up to one so we have
that we will be flipping our work now

that we flip to work now we're ready to
start going in with our Alpine section

and going into every Alpine row that we
have we will not be doing an increase so

just to start this row off we're going
to start off with a regular double

crochet so we're going to prepare for a
double crochet insert our hook into that

next available loop with a regular
double crochet and then since we are

here we're ready to do a front post
double crochet but we are going to be

inserting our hook into this first
double crochet that we've just made in

the previous double crochet row so we're
going to prepare for a double crochet go

into that first post that we have in the
previous double crochet row I'm going to

insert our hook behind that just like if
we were doing a regular front post

double we're gonna yarn over pull
through the only difference once we get

here we're going to do a little yank up
so that it's the same level as a double

crochet as we just made I'm here we're
gonna double crochet like normal so yarn

over pull through two yarn over pull
through two then once we have that we're

gonna do this set all over again all
throughout the rest of this row so let's

just do this again we're going to
prepare for a double crochet we're gonna

be skipping one loop in the previous row
because the front post double that we

just made counts as this loop that we
just did so we're gonna insert our hook

into the second loop with a regular
double crochet just like that and then

once we have that we will be
for a double crochet and we're going to

go in with another front post double so
this regular double crochet that we just

did is directly on top of this second
double crochet that we have in the

previous double crochet row so we're
going to be skipping this next post and

then going into the post right after
that so skipping this next post insert

our hook into this next loop yarn over
pull through we're going to yank up here

and over pull through two yarn over pull
through two let's just do the set one

more time just a little bit faster we're
going to prepare for sweater top manufacturer a double skip one

loop in the back insert our hook into
that second loop in the previous row and

then we're going to be doing another
front post double so we're gonna skip

this next post because this double
crochet is directly on top of that guy

go into the post right after that with a
front post double and we're just gonna

keep going back and forth just like this
going all the way down once we hit our

last loop on this row I'll meet you guys
back so that we can work our way up to

the next rows together now that we've
made our way all the way around with our

first row of our Alpine stitches next
we're going to go in with a row of

single crochet because our Alpine
stitches are not reversible so they're

always going to need to start off on
this side so the first thing we're gonna

do is slip stitch up this next available
loop that we have into this front border

that we have to work our way up to the
single crochet row once we have that we

will be flipping our work and then into
that first stitch that we have are going

to be going in with an increase of two
single crochets because we're going to

be doing increases into the first and
into the last loops when it comes to our

single crochets so into here we're gonna
go in with one single crochet and then

two once we have that we're gonna be
going in putting one single crochet into

every loop going all the way around and
I'll meet you guys back once we have

just one loop left so we can go in with
our increase and then also slip stitch

into the next row together so we've just
made our way all the way down with our

single crochet row and we did leave that
last loop so that we can go in with our

increase of two single crochets together
so just ending off this row we're going

to go into that last loop with one
single crochet and then into that last

stitch another single crochet once we
have that we will be slip stitching of

this next available loop that we have to
close off this row

and now we're going to do another row of
Alpine so we're going to slip stitch up

the next two loops so there's one and
there's two once we have that we will be

flipping our work and for that Alpine
section it's going to be the same

sequence that we made but instead of
doing a front post double crochet on top

of each other so that we get a ribbing
it's going to be in each window that we

have so a front post double is going to
be on top of this double crochet on top

of this front post double is going to be
a regular double crochet but since we do

have an increase in to the previous
single crochet row it's going to be done

just a little bit differently so our
first gonna start off with a double

crochet a regular one even though
there's a regular double crochet in the

previous row that's only because we do
have this extra loop because we just did

an increase so to start off this next
row we're going to prepare for a double

crochet go into that first loop that we
have with a regular double crochet once

when we have that we will be preparing
for a front post double and then we're

going to insert into this first regular
double crochet that we have in our

previous Alpine stitch row so we have
our yarn over we're gonna go into this

first double crochet behind that post
yarn over pull through yank up just a

little bit yarn over pull through two
yarn over pull through two once we have

that we're gonna prepare for a double
crochet and we have a regular double

crochet to go into right after this so
we're gonna be skipping one loop in the

back and then inserting our hook into
the loop right after that with a regular

double crochet and let's just do this
sequence one more time we're going to

prepare for a double crochet go into
that next double crochet post that we

have not the front post double I'm going
to go into that regular double with a

front post double and then from here
prepare for a double crochet skip one

loop in the back insert your hook into
the loop right after that with a regular

double once we have this we're going to
keep doing this all the way around I'll

meet you guys back once we get to the
end of this row so we are back with our

second Alpine stitch row and what we
have left is just one regular double

crochet and then two loops up on top so
into that regular double crochet we are

still going to be doing our front post
double and then we're going to be

putting one double crochet into that
last loop just to maintain the same

pattern that we've been doing so
with this Alpine so we're going to

prepare for a front post double go into
that last double crochet post you're

gonna yarn over pull through let's try
that one more time

yarn over pull through yank up just a
little bit yarn over pull through two

yarn over pull through two I'm here
we're gonna prepare for a double crochet

skip one loop in the back and then
double crochet into that last one that

we have but if your last loop just so
happens to be a front post double that

is completely fine we're still going to
go into that the same way that we would

as if we were going into it normally I
just wanted to give you guys a visual

but once we get here we are going to
slip stitch into the second loop that we

have into this front border so we're
going to count up one count up to two

close off this row and as you guys
should know this next row that we're

going to be doing is a single crochet so
we're going to slip stitch up that next

available loop flip our work and then
put an increase of two single crochets

into the first and the last stitch that
we have and just put one single crochet

into every loop that we have in between
there and then we're going to keep going

back and forth like this alternating
between our Alpine stitch row and our

single crochet row until this reaches
almost the tips of our shoulders but

remembering once when we're going in
with our Alpine stitches the front post

Devils do need to be staggered so after
we go in with our single crochet our

next Alpine stitch row is going to be
the same as the first Alpine stitch row

that we had because it needs to be on
top of the regular double crochets just

like that and while we're doing these
next few rows we're going to want to

make sure that we end on an Alpine
stitch row so that we can get started on

the rest of this on the same rows but
I'll meet you guys back in just a few

rows so that we can move on from there
so we've just made it back with our

single crochet and Alpine rose and now
I'm at the tip of my shoulder and now I

can get started on the rest of the body
portion and just let you guys know I did

try this on and insert some stitch
markers along the sides and this is just

for our sleep so we're first gonna want
to try this on and then insert our

stitch marker right over our underarm in
the front and then in the same spot

along the back and the measurements that
I have for my stitch markers are I'm

just going to show you guys one side
from this front border all the way into

the front of my underarm add a total of
5 inches or 13 centimeters

I did insert my hook into the twenty
first loop that I had and also keep in

mind that when you guys are inserting
your stitch markers try to make sure

that you're inserting them into the
regular double crochet stitches that we

have not into the front post double
crochets so that once we go in with the

next section we're all going to end up
doing the same thing and then moving

over to our second stitch marker that I
have which is the back portion counting

from the first stitch that we have right
here all the way down to the second

stitch marker I inserted my stitch
marker into the forty-fifth loop or this

is just about six-and-a-half inches or
17 centimeters apart from this first

stitch marker that we have and then I
just did the same thing that we did here

along the other side and once when we
have this we're now going to go in with

our single crochet row but we have two
things to keep in mind we aren't going

to be doing any more increases because
we're going to be doing increases right

where our stitch markers are and then
also we will be switching out to our 5

millimeter hook just to give it a little
bit more flow so this part should be

fairly simple we're not going to be
doing any increases into the single

crochet row so just slip stitch up just
one loop that we have into this front

border single crochet all the way across
making sure that you guys are inserting

your stitch markers into the same loops
that they are currently in into our

Alpine row and then I'll meet you guys
back once we've made our way all the way

back down now that we've just made our
way all the way down with our single

crochet row where we didn't do any
increases and we have also inserted our

stitch markers into the same loops that
they were in in the previous row now

we're going to get started on our Alpine
row where we're going to start doing

increases right where the stitch markers
are and since we didn't do any increases

into the single crochet row it's going
to start off just a little bit different

so let's get that started together
I have already slip stitched into the

front panel that I have and did two slip
stitches up so that we can get started

with our Alpine row and since we didn't
do any increases we're actually just

going to start off by putting one front
post double crochet into this first

regular double crochet that we have so
we're going to prepare for a front post

insert into that first regular double
crochet that we have into our previous

Alpine row from here we're going to yarn
over pull through Inc up yarn over pull

through yarn over pull through two once
we have that we're going to prepare for

a double crochet skip
one loop in the back insert our double

crochet into the second loop that we
have in the previous row and then that's

it let's do this just one more time a
little bit faster we're gonna prepare

for a front post and set our hook into
the regular double crochet post that we

have in the previous Alpine row here and
over pulls through yank up yarn over

pull through two yarn over pull through
two we're gonna prepare for a double

crochet skip one loop in the back insert
our hook into that second loop that we

have and we're just going to keep doing
this pattern going all the way down I'll

meet you guys back once we had our
stitch marker so just made it down with

our Alpine stitches all the way down to
our first stitch marker that we have and

all we're gonna do is do an increase of
three front post double crochets so

let's do that right now we're going to
take this guy out for now and then into

this next stitch that we have which is a
regular double crochet we're going to

prepare for a front post double we're
going to insert our hook behind that

double crochet yarn over pull through
yank up yarn over pull through two yarn

over pull through two and we're gonna be
doing two more into that same stitch so

yarn over into that same post yarn over
pull through yank up here and over pull

through two yarn over pull through two
and just one more into that same stitch

yank up your nowhere pull through two
yarn over pull through two once when we

have that we will be inserting our
stitch marker into the middle of that

increase of three that we just made for
ourselves and then once when we get

there we're going to continue on with a
regular pattern that we've been doing so

all we're gonna do is skip one loop in
the back insert our hook into the next

loop that we have with a regular double
crochet as if we didn't do an increase

of three so once when we have that we're
just going to maintain doing the same

pattern going all the way down and then
do the same increase of three once we

hit our next stitch marker and then
every stitch marker there after that and

then from there I do single crochets all
the way back making sure that we're not

doing any increases and do any of the
stitches and that'll meet you guys back

alright so we are back we have just
finished up going in with our first

Alpine row where we did our increases of
three into where stitch markers were and

we did our single crochets back and once
when we get here we're actually just

going to keep doing this road
we just did repeating until this length

is long enough to fit underneath our
underarms so that we can cinch that in

and then we can go in with the body from
there but since our Alpine's are

basically worked into to alpine rose
where they just kind of window each

other I just wanted to start off the
second one with you guys show you guys

how this increase is gonna look and then
from there I'll just let you guys keep

going back and forth from there until
we're ready to close up the underneath

of our armhole and then we can go on
with the body from there so let's just

get this row started and then we can
keep going back and forth from there so

once when we are here we have made it
all the way down with our single crochet

row we have slip stitch into the front
panel and then also done our two slip

stitches going up to start off our
Alpine row and then once when we are

here all we're gonna do is flip our work
like use you will usual and once we get

here since these are basically done in
Windows we're just gonna do the opposite

of whatever was the first stitch that we
have in this row so since this first

stitch was a front post you guys may or
may not be able to see but this is a

front post double crochet we're just
going to be doing a double crochet

directly on top of that so that we can
maintain our windowing of our outline

section so once then we have this double
crochet we're gonna prepare for a front

post go into this next double crochet
with a front post double crochet and

then just keep doing this all the way
down until we hit our stitch marker I'll

meet you guys back so that we can do
that together and then from there I'll

just let you guys how about it and now
that we've made our way down to our next

stitch marker what we're gonna do from
here is just do another increase of

three front post troubles so I did leave
this entire increase of three years so

that we can work into this ourselves so
the last post that I did was a front

post trouble and we're just going to
continue it on just like normal so we're

going to be skipping one loop in the
back prepare for a double crochet double

crochet into that next loop and then
that next stitch that we have is where

our stitch markers into so we're going
to take this guy out for now and then

into this middle stitch that we have
into this increase of three front post

troubles we're going to go in with
another increase of three front post

troubles so into that middle stitch
yarn over pull through yank up pull

through two pull through two into that
same post yarn over pull through yank up

pull through two pull through two and we
have one more to do

yarn over insert your nowhere pull
through pull through two pull through

two and that is our increase that we
will be maintaining for all the other

stitch markers that we have and for
every row that we have there after well

once when we are here we're going to
prepare for another double crochet we're

going to be skipping just one loop that
we have into the back and then inserting

our hook into that second loop that we
have with a double crochet we're gonna

insert our stitch marker back into that
middle stitch that we have into this

increase of three and then maintain this
increase into every stitch marker that

we have and we're just gonna keep going
back and forth like this until this

portion reaches underneath our arms so
that we can create an armhole and when

you guys are working in these next few
rows make sure that you guys end on a

double crochet row because when we're
going to combine our arm holes together

we're going to do that with a single
crochet row so I'll meet you guys back

just after a few rows so we are back and
we have just finished going in with this

top portion and now we're ready to start
connecting this underarm portion and

then we'll just make rounds with the
body so just to let you guys know from

the top all the way down to the bottom
where I ended I did end on an Alpine row

or double crochet row but if you guys
want to call it and I did end on my 26th

row and I have a total of seven inches
or 18 centimeters but if you guys need

your arm holes to be bigger because
that's what we're measuring right now if

you guys need your arm holes to be
bigger than go ahead and just keep

making this as long as you guys need
until these corners can reach your

underarm comfortably but this is pretty
good for me so my next row our next row

should be a row of single crochets so
all I'm gonna do is just work my way up

with a slip stitch the way that we've
been doing and in single crochet all the

way down until we hit our little
increase of three front post double so

that we have and then I'll meet you guys
back to show you guys what to do okay so

we have just made our way all the way
down with our single crochets all the

way down until we got into our increase
of three front post double crochets and

what we're going to do is put one single
crochet into the fur

and the second or the middle front most
of whatever you guys want to call it and

then from there we're going to turn our
work and then insert our hook and

through the middle of this section of
increase of the front post double Zanden

single crochet on back down so let's
just show you guys how to do that really

quickly so for everyone we're just going
to single crochet all the way down until

we hit that middle stitch that we have
into the increase of three front post

double just like that my single crochet
is right on top once when we have those

two we can now turn our work upside down
because we will be going into the back

portion now and then once when we have
this we're going to want to find the

middle of our increase of three front
post double on the other side and mine

just so happens to be right here so I'm
going to be inserting my hook into that

middle stitch that we have into our
increase of three front post double into

the section that's right underneath and
this forms our armhole right here on the

side but once we get there all we're
going to do is just do a single crochet

no slip stitches no nothing but once we
have that single crochet we're going to

single crochet going all the way down
until we hit this next increase of three

front post double x' and then we're
going to keep going in so we hit that

second front post double in this
increase of three turn our work again

and then insert it into this middle
front post double and then single

crochet on down leaving this armhole
over here as well and then from there we

can start working on the body portion
which is just the same thing but now

we're just working in the rounds we
don't need to do any increases but I'll

meet you guys back once we're done with
this single crochet row so that we can

move on with the body section together
alrighty so we have just single crochet

all the way around forming our arm holes
on both sides don't find the stitch

marker that's for me but once we get
here now we're just going to go in the

rounds not going in through our arm
holes with our Alpine stitches so this

is going to be fairly simple just
whatever you guys see in the previous

row just do the opposite so since I have
a regular double crochet I'm just gonna

be going in with a front post double
just like that and we're just going to

continue on doing this portion until we
hit our little section that we have

right here where we did our single
crochets on one side to the next and

I'll just show you guys what we have to
do from that and then

from there I'll let you guys just keep
going in the rounds until we've made our

way all the way down this little front
border that we have right here so I meet

you guys back in about two seconds so
we've just made our way all the way down

with our Alpine stitches until we got to
these two single crochets that we have

in the previous row that connects the
front to the back forming our armhole

and just into these two loops for just
going to be going in with a decrease of

two double crochets even though we just
ended off with a double crochet but once

when we get here we're just doing that
so that we can do the next Alpine row

and then everything will be exactly the
same after that so what we're gonna do

from here is prepare for a double
crochet insert our hook into that first

single crochet I guess the last thing or
crochet in this section yarn over pull

through and then into the first single
crochet that we have on the other side

yarn over pull through we're going to
yarn over pull through three yarn over

pull through two and then from here
since we have this post right here we're

just going to do one double crochet into
the stitch right after that and then

continue on with doing our work just
like regular so continue on with doing

one front post one regular double
crochet one front post one regular and

then that will be the only difference
that we have into this section once we

go in with our next Alpine row it'll be
a regular double crochet because these

two will be front post double is regular
double crochet and then everything will

be exactly the same after that I just
wanted to make sure that we all ended up

with the same deal over here now once we
have this we're gonna do the same thing

that we have on the other side and then
from there just keep going back and

forth with our single crochets and then
Alpine's making sure that every other

Alpine Row is staggered so since this
one started off on the front post double

we're going to do a regular double on
top of that to our front post double on

top of this double right here while
maintaining that single crochet row in

between but there aren't going to be any
increases or decreases into the section

we're just going to keep going all the
way down until we don't have any more

loops left to go into it into this front
border and then from there we'll be done

with the body portion ish because we
still have to do the bottom border but

that will pretty much be all done and
this is fairly simple so go ahead and do

this and then I'll meet you guys back
so we are back and we have just finished

up going in with the entirety of our
body portion and going in from the

underarm portion I have a total of 8
inches or 21 centimeters or if we're

counting rows all the way up from the
top I have a total of 52 rows but now we

can go into the bottom border and that's
going to be exactly the same way that we

have done our front panel and also our
collar so we will be switching out our

hook to our 4 millimeter hook and then
the first thing we're going to want to

do is just insert our hook in through
any one of these loops now that our hook

is in through this corner we're going to
first start off by doing a row of double

crochet but into this first side double
we're going to be going in with two

double crochets into each side double
that we have so we're going to start off

by doing a chain up of three that counts
as a double into this first side double

go in with two double crochets so there
is one and then two and then into each

side double maintain putting two double
crochets put into every loop after that

just put one double crochet and then
I'll meet you guys back once we have

this row of double crochets I'll finish
up so we have just made our way all the

way around or their first row of double
crochets when it comes to our bottom

border and next we're going to go in
with a bunch of rows of front and back

post double crochets and we're just
going to keep doing that all the way

around our work that we have and that's
gonna be the exact same front and back

post double crochets that we've done for
the border and for the collar so what

we're gonna do is start off by doing a
chain up of three that counts as a

double let's just do the first set so
that we can refresh you guys really

quick we're going to insert our hook
into that next post with a a front post

double crochet we're going to yarn over
pull through Inc

up pull through two pull through two and
to do a back post we're going to yarn

over insert our hook behind our work and
then over that next post yarn over pull

through yank up pull through two pull
through two and once when we have that

we're just going to keep alternating
between a front and a back post going

all the way around our work and then
that is going to be the length of what

our bottom border is going to be so I'll
meet you guys back so that we can get

started on the next row and then just
let you guys go from there

so we're back and we just finished up
going in with our first row of our

bottom border and they were front and
back post double crochets we are going

to need to lengthen this so I just
wanted to start this row off with you

guys because we want a really good
ribbing for the entirety of this bottom

border so we're going to start off by
doing a chain up of three and we're

going to flip our work and then just
whatever it looks like in the previous

row we are going to do the same thing on
top so since this looks like a front

post we're going to go in with a front
post double crochet directly on top of

that to get that ribbing and I'm just
going to keep going like this until I

have a total of five rows or two inches
or six centimeters and then once we get

to the end we're going to chain up with
one and cut and then I'll meet you guys

back so we have just finished up going
in with our bottom border and next we're

going to have to go in with our sleeve
so the first thing we're going to want

to do when it comes to our sleeve is
figure out what direction our previous

row of Alpine stitches was going in so
if you guys take a look at the loops

they look like teardrops and whatever
part the curved portion of our teardrop

is facing that's the direction that we
were going so since it was going in this

direction we're going to have to come
back the way that we just came so that

we can maintain our al behind stitches
all along the same side so once when we

have figured that out all we're going to
do is just insert our hook and through

these two loops that we have that's
right underneath our underarm and we're

going to insert our five millimeter hook
into the loops that our body portion is

currently in when it comes to our
increase of three to eliminate some gaps

that could happen if you went into the
next available loop into the sleeve so

what we're gonna do is just insert my
hook and do both of those loops pull

through and then just work our way
around the way that we just came with a

row of single crochet so we're back and
we've just made our way all the way

around with our single crochet row and
what we're gonna do from here is slip

stitch into this first single crochet
that we just made

and then from there we're going to do a
chain up of three to start working on

our Alpine row we will be flipping our
work so that our outlines are all along

the same side and then just into this
first stitch that we have we're just

going to do the opposite of what we have
so since this is a front post double

we're going to do a regular double
crochet on top of that and then since

our next one is a regular double crochet
we're going to do a front post double on

top of that we're just going to keep
doing this going all the way back and

forth until we reach the length of our
sleeve that we want mine is going to be

a 3/4 length sleeve so I'm going to keep
going until I have a total of nine

inches or 23 centimeters or that comes
out to a total of 28 rows just for the

sleeve so we have just made it all the
way back with our sleeve length that we

have and the next thing we're going to
have to do is go in with our cuff so the

first thing we're going to do is just
switch out our hook to our 4 millimeter

hook and the first thing we're going to
do is just go in with a row of double

crochet just putting one double crochet
into every loop so just start off by

doing the chain above 3 and put one
double crochet into every loop going all

the way around once we make it back to
the end we're gonna slip stitch into

that third chain and then I'll meet you
guys back so we have just made our way

all the way around with our first row of
double crochets and next we're about to

do our cuff which is going to be the
same exact way that we did our bottom

band so what we're going to start off by
doing is a chain up of 3 that counts as

a double and we're just going to go in
with one front post double one back post

double and then once we make our way all
the way around we don't need a flip so

we're just going to slip stitch do a
chain up of three and then do a front

post double on top of a front post
double do a back post double on top of a

back post double and then just keep
going like that until we have the cuff

link that we want so I'm going to keep
going until I have a total of two and a

half inches or seven centimeters and
that comes out to seven rows and then

I'll meet you guys back so we're back
and I just finished up going in with the

entirety of our sleeve and our cuff once
we have that done we're going to do our

second one which is exactly the same but
once we have that we are all done the

last thing we're gonna have to do is
just weave in our ends we've woven in

and her cardigan is all finished up this

cardigan is such a staple in my wardrobe
now I throw it over anything and

everything and I instantly look chic and
that's what I love about it other than

the fact that it's super cozy but there
is a written pattern down below use

offer code TCDDIY for a discount and
enter this week's pattern giveaway by

telling us what your guilty pleasure is
good luck to everyone who enters also if

you liked this video give it a thumbs up
because believe it or not it really

helps and be sure to share us on Twitter
Pinterest Instagram Reddit and Facebook

links down below link to our Etsy pages
down there too if you want to buy this

piece or any other piece on the channel
be sure to favor the shop so you don't

miss out on any new pattern deals thanks
so much for sticking around to the end

guys and I'll see y'all in the next one
be well
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