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I already owned several of the short sleeve style of this shirt in green, brown, and this exact blue; all hdont have buttons below the neck and I always receive compliments because the colors are extremely vibrant, but not blinding.
I only purchased the long sleeved version for cooler temps. The long sleeve style has no buttons, which I knew when ordering.

Like the short sleeve, this shirt is very light weight, soft and has the exact brilliant blue color. This moisture wicking material stretches comfortably without losing shape and in the 100°F Texas heat, it never revealed sweat or had a wet appearance. As a matter of fact, on several 100°+ days this past summer, I purposely wore my short sleeved shirt right out of the washer... wow, instead of sweltering in the "hotter than hell" South Texas heat, I was cool as a cucumber and the color was even more vibrant, lol!

The laundering instructions are a little misleading, nba jersey shorts or maybe vague is a better choice. For example, the label reads "do not wring" - I believe that only applies if the shirt is hand washed. It also says to wash on delicate or dry clean - I have done neither and my shirts are fine. Just wash in cold H2o and dry on very low heat with clothing of similar material to prevent pilling, etc (I add a quarter cup of Oxy-Clean when washing vibrant colors and have yet to detect any fading after dozens of cycles, plus, it can be added to any water temp).

Something I think warrants disclosure that is not included on the label - when laundering moisture wicking garments, never use fabric softener and/or dryer sheets as it can cause permanent staining - unfortunately, I learned the hard way, after I ruined two moisture wicking polo shirts, ugh!

I don't yet know whether this brand will be warm in the winter, it's still unseasonably hot in San Antonio. However, I have other long sleeve shirts of the same material blend that I wore last winter and was never uncomfortable. This brand is surprisingly soft, so I expect it will be my first choice to place against my body when the weather necessitates layering to stay warm.