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Did you know you can find some people who actually make a living from online poker? As unbelievable as it sounds, many people are doing this daily.

If you're an old hand at online poker, then I'm certain you are already aware of the very fact that individuals can earn quite a bit of cash from online poker.

But obviously, it isn't as easy as it may sound. It takes a whole lot of skill and talent to be able to consistently create extra income than you lose.

Behind the scenes, you will realise that people who are earning a full-time living from online poker virtually live and breathe the game. They have to always be studying up on poker skills and strategies, to ensure they stay in front of the pack who are also studying hard.

The best money in online poker is made on what is called "fishes". They are the individuals who are not very experienced at the game, and also can wind up losing a whole lot of money to these experts who "prey" on the fishes.

Since the advent of online poker, it is becoming much easier (in some respects) to earn a high income with poker. A lot of the social interaction is taken away, so it's harder to judge someone's style of play. There's also a whole lot less intimidation around the table, because you can't actually see each other.

One of the great benefits of online poker instead of casino poker will be the fact that it is extremely convenient. You should not have to travel to a casino, you do not have to dress smart, you don't have to wait for a table. So it's no real surprise people are turning to online poker much more than "real life" poker.

But the internet has certainly changed the way the game of poker is played. Over the internet, you'll need to change your style of play far more otherwise you become very predictable... especially for anybody who is playing with the pros.

The game can also be much faster paced. You may hop in and out of games very quickly, and there is no waiting for cards to be shuffled either. There is also hardly any (if there even is any) opportunity to cheat in online poker. Whereas playing professional poker in real-life, you have to keep an eye on the shuffling... unless you're playing with folks you can completely trust.

So in conclusion, online poker is a great online gambling site opportunity for someone who has a keen interest in poker to improve their skills, and also earn a little cash.