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Doctor Details Worst-ever Injury Where Man Fractured Penis During Sex 

Arlene72B578311992 2022.02.12 08:33 조회 수 : 1

An NHS doctor and TikTok star has detailed the worst injury he's ever seen - a fractured penis that was so swollen and purple it 'looked like an aubergine'.

Dr Karan Rangarjan, a surgical doctor and lecturer at Sunderland University, shares his experience and knowledge with his 4.1 million followers on TikTok.

But his answer to a question about the worst injury he's ever seen is enough to make any man cross his legs and cringe.

While on shift, Dr Rangarjan was just about to go on his break in the early hours of the morning when an 'embarrassed' young man in 'excruciating pain' arrived with his girlfriend.
