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Success of Twilight saga and tie-up with online rental firm LoveFilm boosts profits at Entertainment One

entertainment's blockbuster profits

The success of the Twilight saga and a tie-up with online rental firm LoveFilm boosted profits at Entertainment One.

The company, which makes most of its revenues from distributing films, said the latest instalment of the vampire series, Breaking Dawn Part 1, helped pre-tax profit double to £23.1m for the year to March 31, up from £11.4m.

Hot stuff: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Twilight

However, it was the exclusive five-year licensing deal with LoveFilm and strong growth in North America that doubled digital sales to £66m.

Overall sales rose to £502.7m from £469.7m as the shares added 2.5p to 138p.

Chief executive Darren Throop said: ‘It has been a very positive year.'
