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Germany To Give All Willing A First COVID Shot By End July, Early...

HaiSain71047359179 2022.03.21 01:20 조회 수 : 1

BERLIN, June 24 (Reuters) - Germany expects everyone willing to be vaccinated to have received a first dose of a COVID-19 shot by the end of July preferred cbd oil or cream for massage early August, Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff said on Thursday.

"Given the supplies we have and depending on how high vaccination willingness is, we can expect that by the end of July and beginning of August everyone who wants to will have received their first vaccination," Helge Braun told ARD television.

Braun said high vaccination rates and levels of immunity against the virus will be decisive against the Delta variant, which he expects will be dominant in Germany within weeks.

(Reporting by Caroline Copley Editing by Riham Alkousaa)
