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Government guidance for businesses ahead of so-called Freedom Day on Monday has been savaged as 'confusing chaos' over its wishy-washy recommendations and advice.

Much of the content of the new document is strikingly similar to the old lockdown legislation, except this time starts each part with the word 'consider'.

But it has left business owners facing decisions on whether to impose Covid-secure measures it cannot enforce on staff or customers under law.

The most baffling is how the Prime Minister's promises to lift nearly all lockdown restrictions is so different to advice issued by the government.

Dr Roger Barker, policy director at the Institute of Directors, said: 'Like everybody else, businesses across the country having been awaiting ''freedom day'' with bated breath, but instead we have had a series of mixed messages and patchwork requirements from Government that have dampened that enthusiasm.

'Return to work or continue to stay at home.

Throw away your masks or continue to wear them. Today's long-awaited guidance from Government has done little to dispel that confusion. 

'Business leaders are understandably confused as to the legal status that this guidance has and are concerned about vulnerability under health and safety legislation, as well as the validity of their insurance.'

Vanita Parti, founder Of Blink Brow Bar, branded the guidance 'a mess'.

Businesses should consider keeping staff wearing masks indoors even after lockdown ends, according to new government Covid guidance

Documents released online just days before the July 19 unlocking also suggest workplaces keep social distancing measures like plastic screens and back-to-back desks in a bid to placate nervous workers

People are told to return to the office, but not all at once just at some point over summer

She told Radio 4: 'It's all very confusing because we weren't allowed to open with the rest of retail last summer when lockdown eased and it made sense for us to do so because we follow the highest of hygiene protocol.

'Now they're saying actually they're merging the rest of you with retail and nobody needs to wear masks so we're scratching our heads a little bit but of course it makes absolute sense for us to wear masks, we are asking our therapists to continue to do so and we can only recommend that our customers do so.

'It puts them (staff) at risk and close contact services are close contact and of course beauty industry is very hygienic anyway but this is where masks really make sense.

'I think we will continue to wear masks as an industry because customers feel a lot more comfortable and so do our therapists but again I think it's a bit woolly, no-one has really looked at it in detail, slightly forgotten and it's easier just to lump us all together.'

Documents released online just days before the July 19 unlocking also suggest workplaces keep social distancing measures like plastic screens and back-to-back desks in a bid to placate nervous workers.

Businesses should consider keeping staff wearing masks indoors even after lockdown ends, 바카라 according to new government Covid guidance released tonight.

Ventilating work places is also something to be considered by business workplaces
