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[A version of the column] The 2018 season has not ended, some teams have fly to 2019
In the 2018 season, the nfl jerseys regular season is the second week. When everyone's attention focuses, who can win the US Lianbei District champion, who can win the second outer card of the United States, how to sort the two external cards, the fact After the end of the 16th week, only 15 teams today also maintained the yearning of the 53rd Super Bowl Labarti Cup, and up to 17 teams have lost their hopes, even more In the middle of the season, the prospects of the new season have been started. This article takes you into understanding, those teams that have lost their hopes, how to rebuild, to look forward to 2019:


This week, as the raid is overcoming the wild horses, the red scitch has locked the team's history in the past six decades, and it is a good congratulations, but from another perspective, the saga is shameful. League of the Union.

Last year, they lost their coach Bruce - Aliis and main four-point Wei Katson-Palmer, so the achievement is not so shame, but the offensive and defensive one is nothing, one week "Black Monday", Sapphire Need to decide the first question, whether it is necessary to cut off the handshakers who often go to hand in the game, and once again replace the coach group, this season, the number of colonal offensive codes and scores are all in the bottom of the league. Will they choose one person from a large-scale offensive coordinator who performs excellent experience in the union, it is worthy of attention. Red Tak will still rely on the second grade four-point Swan Roson lead the team to advance, but this Jun started to show that he will rule the alliance, but the result is a laughter, whether the flush will replace the quarter Wei, equally worthy of attention.

From the player market, there will be several main defenders to flow into the free market, nor eliminating the spirit of spiritual leaders Lari-Fitzgelad is about to retire. And I entered the draft election, although the rickets were bonded to the monarch, but next year is "draft small year", the red rock lineup vulnerability is too much, can not make up, transactional dagger or choose the heart, General Manager Steve Steve - Kay I am afraid that I am afraid of garre. For the team of this hundred waste, fantasies will be too far away from the season next year, confirm the two most important positions of the coach and the quarter-saving, will determine if the team will be rebuilt way.

Coach replaced the prediction: hired the current ram ball attack coordinator Shaun Waldron as the coach

Free market signing prediction: check the outside of the channel, Landel - Kobo (now packaged), safe Wei Er-Thomas (now Haiying)

Dictionary prediction: the champion sign selected Ohio big defensive end-Arm Nick-Bosa

Reconstruction Keywords: Determining the core

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ☆☆☆☆☆

Las Vegas raiders (now Auckland raids)

It's like a farce of five months, Joan-Grunette returned to the first season of the raid to end with disappointing results. Some of the rickets are some, the raid people's coach team is all by him "carefully selected" a year ago, Ground should not quickly hit their own face.

The raid will have a lot of old, who has just signed or deal last year, in addition to the close-end Feng Jeree Cook, I believe that Grunetton, who has eaten dumb losses, should not renew anyone else, snap The salary space of the raid will reach 80 million to 100 million. The midst of the Grunette season said: "The players are yearning to the life of Las Vegas." If you really get Levie - Bell or Darm Kong - Soviet support, then this team can not be ushered in rapid rise.

In addition, they will make up with their own unremitting efforts, and the two deductives of Kalier Mark and Amali Kuper, will receive a first three-in-one and two first rounds. Bit, four-point guards and Grunette relations are not harmonious, if the Carl transaction, the raid person will get more high-level signs, for this team that urgently needs new metabolism, of course, there is a big benefit. The raid in this month has been cut off General Manager Leiji-McKyzie, who has been fighting in recent years. It seems that the team puts all the bets in Groad, from now on, the chips in Georng hand It is close to 100 million salary space, countless first roundabout, and a "casino" that is a heart-made god, maybe we will understand it next year. It turned out that the 2018 season is conscientious, for the glory moment of the casino. .

Coach replacement prediction: keep the original

Free market signing prediction: Sign the Run Vervie - Bell (now steel man), safety Wei Tilaila - Matthew (now Texas people)

Dictionary prediction: explore the flower sign to pick the Kentucky University outside the outside, Alan

Reconstruction Keywords: Xin Groen, Yongsheng

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★ ☆☆☆

Jacksonville American Tiger

Since the United States of America finally defeated the patriot, it was a superb bowl, and the Familiar with the United States offend, it was no doubt that the Jaguo was the most disappointing team in this season. The team experienced serious injuries in this season, so the pot should not be able to get the coach Doug - Marroni, the handsome is guaranteed, but the other parts of the journey of the United States will have too much trouble.

The first biggest problem is that the Salary Space Alliance of the Jaguji is second, unless you cut your meat, or the Molli's coach can only pinch the same lineup again this year. Some friends will say, "dam" Brake Bottles, can be "dead money" than 16 million, can't cut, and almost no team will be willing to eat He is a bad contract, so the American tiger must remember Botels a year, no reliable four-point guard, the Jaguger wants to be too difficult to get up in Dongshan.

This season, the American Tiger is a team of light attack. If you want to add outstanding attack weapons, it is necessary to lay off from the defensive group and the offensive frontline, but if you give up the defense of the team's book, Tom - Does Cafin dare to gamble in the snapper? The chartered conference should have a top ten, how to make this card, how to choose the quarter-saving next season, and the relationship between balance and salary will be the rest of the United States Tiger reconstruction. Heavy.

Coach replacement prediction: keep the original

Free market signing prediction: Sign up Mata Vavis - Bryant (now raid)

Dictionary forecast: Sixth sign pick Oregon University quartz Justin Herbert

Reconstruction Keywords: Cleaning Botels

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★★ ☆☆

New York Giant

In the first half, when everyone started to disappoint the giants, the finals of the season suddenly found the game, which made people confidence in the reconstruction of giants. According to the timing, the giant will not change too much from the coach team and the core lineup.

Eli is old, you can find Elaysians and future leaders are not easy; Beckham is very alarm, but his talent is absolutely part of the giant; everyone knows, Saun Buckli will be a giant reconstruction The core, but last year has been fierce offensive frontline, is it necessary to continue to make up this year; a lot of defensive groups, but the giant salary space is limited, and it is almost difficult to do a big action after leaving Lanton. Compared to many vulnerable teams, it seems that the shortcomings of the giant are not that obvious, but there are many positions in the middle of "can make" and "leaving", which requires a firm team to make a firm Choice can determine the big direction of the new season giant.

In addition, the giant dressing room also needs to be solved. Who is a locker room "inner ghost" and "toxicoma", I believe that there are all people in my heart, for the giant, the road to rebuild is not just change Falling a few star players can solve the problem.

Coach replacement prediction: keep the original

Free market signing forecast: privilege label posted Ramon Colin, signed Preston-Smith (now Hongki)

Dictionary prediction: No. 9 signs selected Louisiana big corner Guididi-Williams

Reconstruction Keywords: high-rise do an important choice, dressing room

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★ ☆☆☆

Atlantan Falcon

A win four losses, three consecutive victories, five losses, two consecutive victories, experienced the 2018 season of the mountain, two years ago, the Faluny of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, this season, almost never entered the playoffs. The season. As a representative of the Alliance to compete, the leader of the defensive coordinator is born - Quiin may soon face lessons, and the offensive coordinator is google jerseys legit Steven Safi Xi'an has been a disease for a long time, the Falcon Coach may usher in the sky-covered big changes .

From the current situation, the falcon this season is a team that compares conservative injuries. The main running guards of Fremman seriously injured, let the Falcon pavement attack alliance countdown; unveiled the Congress to fold the midline Wei Di Jones and Strong Jiunu-Neil, then another main force Safety Weaka - Allenda Same Report, is equal to hurting the whole defensive center axis, plus the quarter Falcon puncture pressure is 29.3%, the union countdown Third, the defensive group is dead, and Guadi Jierete and Bruce, the defensive front line will enter the free market. This year, the excellent IV-Coleman will also enter the free market, considering hunting The salary space of the Hawk is less than 30 million, how to open every piece of money, flowers to the practice, this is the focus of the Falcon Rest. I know that the falcon must fill the defensive group. The only good news is that the false prefaciation of the falcon is just in the "defensive front line of the year" next year. If you can pick a few high-efficiency rushing in the election meeting. I believe that the falcon next year should be able to usher in Dongshan next year.

Coach replaces prediction: Quin reserved handsome, or hired a first bear team DC Victor - Vi Ji as the coach, hired 49 leader, hostel, hut, OC

Free market signing prediction: privileged label stickers Shangrrady - Jeret, signed a sharper Rogger Safford (now ram)

Dictionary prediction: Ten signs pick Clemenson University defensive end Clarelin - Ferre

Reconstruction Keywords: spend small money

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★★ ☆☆

Danfo Yam

In the last three weeks, I have been more than 49 people, Brown, and the raid people have three "fish", and the wild horses have broken the playoffs hope, and it is also very likely to directly disconnect the main man. Joseph's future, with general manager John El Dimensional personality, after winning the championship for three consecutive years, Elvi will make a big move.

Part of the free player, the wild horse will have three or four of the main force of the frontline, the two powerful substitute external lines Shuen-Ray and Shakir-Barrett entered the free market, plus the main corner of Bradley - Luo For more than 50 million wild horses next year, it is necessary to pay a calculation to continue to maintain livelihoods. In addition, the three-speed conversion rate of the wild horse season is the top five. The pass attack is indeed bad. If Elvo cuts Kijarnm, you can clear 8 million shipping space, which can be cut off again. where can i find cheap nfl jerseys can I find a four-defense of Kenam this League level? If you continue to trust Kenam, the team needs to add the ball weapon to help Kynam will enhance the ball attack. However, in the case of limited salary, the wild horse is difficult to set off too big in the free market.

In addition, this year's draft "defensive front line big year", the lack of wild horses are defensive front lines, when the wild horse holds a first round, how to take the baby in other locations, the same focus Work.

Coach replacing prediction: hire Eric Bion Emi, Eric-Biiemi

Free market signing forecast: privileged label posted Bradley Robs, signed the right cuta, the rattan, Messi (now the bear)

Dictionary prediction: No. 12 signs pick Mississippi University take over A.j. Brown

Rebuilding Keywords: Elvi's saving abacus

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★ ☆☆☆

Carolina Black Leopard

In the first half of the six-win second loss, it is very likely that the eight-game failure will be the eighth championship. This may be Ron Rivi, the black panther, the first "Based on the get out of class", it can be a good foundation and accumulation. The pulse relationship can still keep Rivilla to keep the handsome position and can still launch an impact on the season next season.

Even if the main defensive end of Mario-Inden, the salary space of the Leopard is only 300 million, and the black pile will have a big pile to expire, privately renew the exterior de Wen - Feng Tesis, Zhong Ren Carlier, Line Weitamas Davis, other veterans don't have to be forced, and the team's young will be achieved. Analyze the team to attack two groups, in the past, the black panther attack is quite paying attention to strong attack hard, this season is extremely light, but the team may supplement the frontline strength; and the defensive group red area defense The rate is too bad, and the frontline of the front line is also required to support the support.

For this team that urgently needs new metabolism, it is necessary to guarantee the intake of young players, and they can't abandon Tai Multi-core old members, General Manager Marti Bruni faces two difficulties.

Coach replacement prediction: keep the original

Free market signing prediction: privilege label posted German-Fengchens, signed safety Weihaha - Klin Dicks (now Hongki)

Dictionary prediction: 14th sign pick Oklahoma University Poverty CDdi-Ford

Reconstruction Keywords: Does not affect the new metabolism

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★★ ☆☆

Green Bay packaging

Before McCarti, the first job in the packaging work is to replace the coach, but now, although Josh Mc Daniels is better, this is not necessarily willing to leave the patriot, and now there is not much packaging. In the case of better choice, it is more likely to choose to support the leader of Joe-Ferbin, and retain the defensive coordinator Mike Pert.

The salary space of the package in the free market is less than 40 million, but it faces the deadlock in the main player contract of Krem Massic, Wilkson, Randel - Kobe, and the packaging workers should be treated. Private suggestion is that next year is the "defensive front line year", Wilkson and Matthew don't have to spend money. Last year, at the election meeting, the packaging workers won the first round of Saints this year, which means that the package will have two signs of the first round and the first round of the first round, which can fierce the defensive frontline and other positions, and save it The salary space can focus on complementing the weapon to help "the man".

Referring to the "that man", it is well known that he is the eardon of the package. It can be recently regarded in his ears, whether the management will build a team of 35 years old, or concentrate on other positions Vachan is worthy of attention.

Coach replacing prediction: Fu Zhengdian coach Joe-Fern

Free market signing prediction: Sign the outer hand Gord-Tat (now the eagle), sign the outside satertine - F Woller (now the ram)

Dictionary forecast: 15th sign pick Alabama University Safety Wei Diante - Thompson

Rebuilding Keywords: checking, missing, is it trust that man?

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★★★ ☆☆

Cleveland Brown

50% of this season, it is difficult to say for other teams, but for Brown, it is a great victory. It can be faced now that Brown wants to coach the team to change the chasing chasing, or maintain an existing coach Lineup? For the player's coming back, the choice of the Brown coach group is more important. After all, Cleveland is unwilling to meet another "Hugh-Jackson 2.0" to delay two years.

The quarter-saving tide-Taylor contract expired, Brown will clear the salary space of nearly 80 million to 100 million, and the team's record will be warm. I believe that Brown will be bigger in the free market. Harvesting a big player, this season is a good core lineup is quite young, supplemented by the superstar, and the new season Brown will establish a highly high paper lineup.

The Cleveland people waited for the season, than Yang Waiting for the little dragon, the time of the small dragon, the paper strength is about to enhance Brown, and the brown is not guaranteed to move in the playoffs. After all, the United States will consume serious consumption, and the new season Brown It will no longer have cheap, 2007 and 2014 good results, people have a hallucong of Brown, in fact Brown is really unable to explain with a constant explanation.

Coach replacing prediction: Renzheng now OC Fredi Kickets, or hires former Oklahoma University coach Linken - Riley

Free market signing prediction: Signing defensive cut off Darm Kong - Su (now the ram), sign the corner of Ronard, Darby (now the eagle)

Dictionary forecast: 6th sign pick Northakama big outer jewelry Carl Wen-Harne

Reconstruction Keywords: Waving Check

Enter the 2019 playoffs index: ★ ☆☆☆☆
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